
Cretaceous Rails

Created by Spielcraft Games

A medium-weight euro game for 1-4 players. Build a rail and resort empire in the Cretaceous era.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Thank you backers for an incredible first few days!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 06:00:51 AM

Thank you for backing Cretaceous Rails and helping us have an amazing launch. $73k in less than 72 hours is tremendous. We're seeing tons of new backers, as well as a bunch of returning backers from our previous campaigns, which is awesome!

We are looking to get Cretaceous Rails to as many tabletops as possible. We believe it will bring you and others a lot of joy. We would be really grateful if you would share the project with your friends and social media networks. Also be sure to join the Cretaceous Rails Club on Facebook to be a part of the community from the beginning!

Check out this review from Gaming Trend:

Cretaceous Rails' designer, Ann Journey, has posted a designer diary on Boardgamegeek in case you want a deep dive into the experience of designing the game:

We will be sharing a solo playthrough soon so you can see the solo mode in action. We also have some other very exciting content to reveal during the campaign, so stay tuned!

Thank you so much for your continued support.

The Spielcraft Games Team

Funded in Only 19 Minutes!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 08:23:07 AM


Funded in 19 minutes! We are blown away by the level of excitement and support for Cretaceous Rails. We've put our heart and soul into creating this game for the past five years, and it feels great to see so many people interested in supporting us right out of the gate!

We can't thank you enough.

We are excited to share this journey with you!

The Spielcraft Games Team